White Old Bug Money Box with Surf board 21cm


Buy unique Volkswagen theme Home decor, and other coastal theme decorating accessories direct from Coastal Designs Decor.

SKU: BW450 Category: Tag:


Colourfull old hippy van and surfy Memorabilia with cool adornments and images of beach and coastal lifestyles. White Old Bug Money Box with Surf board 21cm features a popular surfy car with surfboards and slot in the rear window for the money. (has removable plug in base to extract the cash later. Decor that saves?

SKU: BW450

Condition:  new
Brand: Beachhouse Decor
Availability: out of stock

Length: 23 cm
Width: 19 cm
Height: 13 cm
Weight: 0.54 kg

Note: This Text was in part reprinted with permission from,
Author: Coastal Designs Decor. “White Old Bug Money Box with Surf board 21cm.”, Wholesale VW Memorabilia Distributors. BUY  Surfy Cars & Vans
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